222 free web Backlink directory create high quality website blog

Backlink is one of the most important key to increase visitors and pagerank. A visitor is unable to create a backlink is a backlink but can make hundreds of visitor. So creating backlink can say is the first task in the SEO campaign, increasing pagerankva ads for your blog.

We have many ways to create backlinks as more signatures in the forums, comment on many blogs and etc. but it takes a lot of time but still not highly effective because now most of the forum blog now and add nofollow tag to the signature or link on the comment link.
Are you looking for more quality backlinks to your website to increase google page rank but you absolutely do not know how to add a directory on your external Website or Technorati MyBlogLog. So, somewhere can help you put yourself on the Website without backlink back? Today may be your lucky day because I have what you need.This is a free directory list where you can take your blog to get more quality links than without you linking back. The link back is not the loss of space on your sidebar, but also reduces the value of the link. And especially all the directory does not require you to create any account prior to your blog. All you need do is fill in the necessary and press submit!But before you add your blog to this directory, I think you will like the second list that I posted direcory ago. And as above, two good things on this list for your google page rank and backlink absolutely necessary. Hurry up because they can not offer free forever.
As you already know that the nofollow link only to help increase visitor not help increase the pagerank of your blog. So today, VnTim ™ will show you a classic way to create backlinks dollow but still very effective and is still the webmaster and internet marketer applications. This is the "Submit To Directories" also called "Register website into a web of contacts".

Backlinks GoldmineThis way, you should only take about 2 to 3 minutes to put your blog to Directories but it provides a highly effective for increasing pagerank and traffic (Most of the foreign bloggers often use the Directory Web to find the new website).Here are over 100 free web directories (only for web / blog in English) which they have collected. I hope you will apply them to your own blog.I'm sure a Website / Blog will increase pagerank, traffic and revenue quickly.Note: Just put up your blog to 10 directories on the web since Google will one day web / blog is webspam
Tools see a backlink of your website can be found at www.alexa.com http://www.backlinkwatch.com/ orAlso, list the following web allows you to create a backlink (high quality) without dky:

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One other source of high quality backlink is a blog (and webstore) create lots of blog and comment (not spam) to the blog with content related to your site, list you can create a blog website (webstore ) free:

- http://blogspot.com/
- http://www.createfreeblogs.com
- http://marofin.com/
- http://blog.co.uk/
- http://bravejournal.com/
- http://vn.myblog.yahoo.com
- http://itrademarket.com/
- http://www.createblog.com
- http://mynewblog.com/
- http://yobanbe.zing.vn
- http://sosblog.com
- http://xanga.com/
- http://wordpress.com
- http://www.myspace.com
- http://twitter.com/
- http://www.tamtay.vn
- http://vnvista.com/forums
- http://www.cyworld.vn/myhome
- http://www.webgarden.com/
- http://www.live.com
- http://sky.vn/
- http://www.livejournal.com/
- http://phununet.com/

Web nước ngoài
  1. http://www.abcsitemap.com/
  2. http://www.abcurls.com/
  3. http://www.addurltodirectories.com/
  4. http://www.allurlsonline.com/
  5. http://www.allworldurls.com/
  6. http://www.amuletdirectory.com/
  7. http://www.applydirectory.com/
  8. http://www.Appguides.Com
  9. http://www.archcatalog.com/
  10. http://www.arenacatalog.com/
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  27. http://www.cluburls.com/
  28. http://www.coralcatalog.com/
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  31. http://www.decidedirectory.com/
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  35. http://www.dmozy.com/
  36. http://www.docsdir.com/
  37. http://www.emeralddirectory.com/
  38. http://www.emeraldlist.com/
  39. http://www.excellentcatalog.com/
  40. http://www.excellentpage.com/
  41. http://www.expertcatalog.com/
  42. http://www.faircatalog.com/
  43. http://www.fantasticdir.com/
  44. http://www.followdirectory.com/
  45. http://www.forcedirectory.com/
  46. http://www.founddir.com/
  47. http://www.freeaddmission.com/
  48. http://www.freepagesubmission.com/
  49. http://www.freshurls.com/
  50. http://www.genialcatalog.com/
  51. http://www.genialdirectory.com/
  52. http://www.goldbrowse.com/
  53. http://www.greydirectory.com/
  54. http://www.groupurls.com/
  55. http://www.growdirectory.com/
  56. http://www.icedir.com/
  57. http://www.inflamecatalog.com/
  58. http://www.inflamedirectory.com/
  59. http://www.inflamelist.com/
  60. http://www.lookindirectory.com/
  61. http://www.morganitecatalog.com/
  62. http://www.morganitedirectory.com/
  63. http://www.nonstopdir.com/
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  65. http://www.onyxcatalog.com/
  66. http://www.onyxlist.com/
  67. http://www.orangeurls.com/
  68. http://www.pagescatalog.com/
  69. http://www.pathdirectory.com/
  70. http://www.primodir.com/
  71. http://www.puredocs.com/
  72. http://www.Poly-web.com
  73. http://www.sapphiredirectory.com/
  74. http://www.sapphirelist.com/
  75. http://www.seeindirectory.com/
  76. http://www.shinycatalog.com/
  77. http://www.shinyindex.com/
  78. http://www.signdir.com/
  79. http://www.signindirectory.com/
  80. http://www.starrycatalog.com/
  81. http://www.starrydirectory.com/
  82. http://www.starryindex.com/
  83. http://www.starrylist.com/
  84. http://www.stayindirectory.com/
  85. http://www.successfuldirectory.com/
  86. http://www.talismancatalog.com/
  87. http://www.talismandirectory.com/
  88. http://www.talismanlist.com/
  89. http://www.thesitemaps.com/
  90. http://www.tntcatalog.com/
  91. http://www.topazcatalog.com/
  92. http://www.topazdirectory.com/
  93. http://www.urlscatalog.com/
  94. http://www.urlsindex.com/
  95. http://www.urlskey.com/
  96. http://www.urlslist.com/
  97. http://www.urlspage.com/
  98. http://www.urlsworld.com/
  99. http://www.visitcatalog.com/
  100. http://www.visitdir.com/
  101. http://www.yellowdocs.com/
  102. http://www.yellowurls.com/
  103. http://www.zenithcatalog.com/
  104. http://www.zenithlist.com/
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