Some Simple Tricks to Reduce Blog Size

Improve Site Performance by Reducing Load Time

Google has officially stated that website speed will soon be considered as a ranking factor so make sure your blog loads fast. Slow loading websites or blogs are very annoying to the user. I've seen a lot of sites which have great content but they take awfully long time to load. In this article, I'll give you some very simple tips to reduce your blog loading time.

Tips to Improve Site Performance

Most of the tips are my own experience and if you want to add more please feel free to leave a comment with your suggestion.

1- Choosing a Template

Please don't use templates with heavy images in the background. Blogger/Blogspot users should avoid using big background images. Instead, you can use patterns which are small images but they repeat and look awesome as background.

2- Using Images

Don't use images in your blog unless required. Image format is also very important, always use .JPEG images because they have relatively small size.

3- Checking Site Performance

It is very important to regularly check your site loading time. I recommend a free tool Webpage Analyzer for this purpose.

4- Adding Widgets

It is not necessary to use every available Blogger/Blogspot widget. Each widget adds some more bytes to your blog size so don't use widgets which are not necessary.

5- JavaScript Code

JavaScript is an essential component of any blog but it also takes some time to load. For example, recently I installed Google Translation Widget in my blog and my blog load time significantly increased because it was a heavy JavaScript widget.

Before You Leave

Loading time will play a role in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so keep an eye on it. Many people still use low-speed internet and many more are moving towards mobile internet. Use light colors as background and use resources wisely.
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