Ping Google to get your blog indexed faster

Google has recently announced the facility of pinging Google Blog Search (Google’s search service dedicated to the blogosphere), in order to get Google to re-crawl and re-index your blog after you post new content, so that your brand new posts can be found by someone searching on Blog Search. As people will find your posts faster, you’ll also build traffic faster. That’s great!
Well, you can ping Google Blogsearch manually at
If you’re running a Wordpress blog like this one, you can simply add the following to the Options->Writing->Update Services section to ping Google automatocally when you publish a new post :
We could get some of our new blogs indexed in Google in just 1 day using this SEO tip.
It seems that pinging Blog Search is still no substitute for pinging Google via Google Sitemaps, so it is advised that you do both.
You can find more information about Google Blogsearch Pinging Service at


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